Photography — Street

The taste of street

The vernacular street has always been an integral part of my photography. The streets are for everyone to taste, and I'm in search of all the flavors, scents, and sounds. I find comfort in roaming the streets, familiar and strange alike, as I always see a different grit, a different light.

There are so many reasons why I prefer shooting in the streets. The freedom that street photography offers me is limitless, I decide if I go closer to or stay farther from my subjects. All I need is my intuition, and I let the seasons guide my wanderings.

In the streets, everything matters: the cacophony of crows, the hustle of people, and the bustle of machines, the smell of the sun, the constant drive to find calmness amidst the chaos - to me, these elements make a "random" street photo worth remembering.

In one of my series during the pandemic's peak in Tokyo, I made use of diptychs to elaborate on every daywhat I saw everyday going to and coming home from work. Even though I passed by the same streets, I witnessed significantly different scenarios and felt varying depths and heights of emotions.

The pandemic is still here; it's part of our lives now. While we are bound to spend every day with extra caution, we are still fortunate that we're learning to strive and survive.

To commemorate this worldly change, my output for this project is through photobooks. The two images in DYPSCHITS are captured and paired on the same days—like an endless loop of day and night, of doom and gloom.